
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

     Words are something I am constantly using, my voice is something that I am daily using to vocalize the words i have. But there is so much more to my voice than just the daily talking I do. I believe God has a purpose for my voice and through this trip He is going to show me how He wants me to use it. Finding my voice has been something I've been wanting to do since i signed up for this trip. Finding my identity in Christ is also another thing. I constantly struggle with comparison. I know it is wrong but I never understood how much of a hindrance it was to me. But last night which was 09/14/2012 it hit me. How can I ever use the voice God gave me when I'm always comparing myself to others. He gave me my voice which was uniquely created for me, he gave me a story to tell which is uniquely mine. 

     While I was worshiping I just sat down for a couple minutes to pray over this and I just really felt convicted. My friend Leigha came over and started praying over me. She said she had a word and it was just stop comparing yourself to others because God created you to be you. Stop trying to look at others and find who you are and try to be like them. The truth just washed over me. That is when crazy stuff started happening. After she left I continued to pray over our squad and over everyone there worshiping. 

      Our squad leader spoke to us all and said I feel that people are getting words from God but aren't acting on them and I just pray that they would have the confidence to stand up and go to the people they need to talk to. At this time I just felt a word for one of my teammates and it was "let go" and I was like what this is weird? I'm just making things up in my mind… its not really anything from God. I couldn't get it out of my head though and so I started to get up to go towards him when another girl starts in his direction. I just looked at her and said are you going over to him? She replied yes, and then said well what were you going to tell him? And I told her I just felt like I needed to say "let go." This is when I realized I am able to be used by God and I do have a voice from him… because she goes.. "Oh my gosh! I got the same exact word!" So we went over and talked to him about it. It was so amazing and it honestly gave me chills. GOD IS ALIVE and HE IS SPEAKING to HIS CHILDREN; we just need to act on that small word that we get. It is scary because you aren't sure what you should do, but when  you listen and tell the person the word you have received for them you receive peace for telling them. Why would you hold back on a person? When you could potentially help them grow or actually tell them something they have been asking God to tell them. 

2 weeks in Nicaragua and God is working on things in my life and the people's lives around me! 

"For you all can prophesy that in turn so that everyone will be encouraged and instructed."
1 Corinthains 14:31





3 responses to “God Speaks To His Children”

  1. Beckah, Strap in for a wonderful ride. He’s only beginning to speak to you! God Bless you and your squad! Many Prayers, Dennis and Connie Fink

  2. That is so wonderful Beckah. You are a very beautiful and talented young lady. I believe that you can do all things through God who gives you strength. Be still and listen for God will guide you and every step you take.
    The Apostle Paul says, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) this means we can think like this: ” God Loves me, and I love me; if you don’t like me, then you have a problem. If God loves me, who cares that everybody doesn’t approve of everything I do?”
    Always be yourself, because you are a very special person making the world a better place. I love you Beckah.

  3. How nice to hear from you in Nicaragua again this week!
    We continue to pray for you…
    and are excited and encouraged as we read your blog postings and
    learn about the lessons that God is teaching you while you are away from home.

    Yes, your voice is a gift from God…and a tool to use.
    You realize what a blessing it is when you visit someone in the hospital
    who has had a stroke/brain injury or other health problem
    that has taken their voice away!!!

    God has given us this gift to use…for His glory and for His Kingdom.
    With our voices, we can:
    –Sing praises to His Name!
    –Share our testimony
    –Tell other people about God…and His great love for them!
    —Disciple new believers
    –Minister to the needs of others.

    When we give our lives to God and submit to His Lordship,
    He can use our voices to accomplish many wonderful things.

    Our voices are all unique creations of God.
    He makes all things good…including you with all of your abilities, gifts and assets.
    He loves you, Beckah…just as He created you!

    Now, here are a few comments about God speaking to and through us.
    Notice the setting of your story called: “God Speaking To Hs Children:”
    –You are away on a missions trip, in obedience to God.
    –You were worshipping God.
    –You were praying and talking to God.
    –In that quietness, you were sensitive to the
    conviction of the Holy Spirit.
    –You were fellowshipping with other believers of
    like mind and faith.
    –You were listening to truth being proclaimed.
    –You were sitting under the teaching of a
    Spirit-led leader.
    —You acted in obedience to the leading of
    the Holy Spirit…in spite of doubtful thoughts…
    that could have come to you from the enemy.

    Then, God used you as His servant to minister “a small word” to someone….who needed it.
    Finally, you experienced the peace and joy that result when we obey the Lord.

    As you continue to walk intimately/close to God
    and in complete obedience to Him,
    you will find that this process can become more routine for you.

    However, remember that we are all just His humble servants.
    All of the power comes from Him…and the glory goes to Him.
    We are just blessed to be included in God’s work in this world.
    We are like forklift operators…who are powerless to lift a ton of steel.
    God is our power source…like the hydraulic pump on the forklift.
    God knows the message that someone needs to here…
    and He can use us, His humble and imperfect servants, to speak it!
    He is an amazing God!!!

    Always remember the conditions under which God used you to “speak a word” for Him.
    In America here, people can get caught up with the busyness of life.
    We have a lot of activities attracting our attention here:
    Work, school, shopping, the internet, cell phones, sports events/activities, etc.
    There is a place for these things…they are not bad in and of themselves.
    They are necessary aspects of life here…but they must be kept in check/balance.
    If we let them keep us from worshipping, praying, fellowshipping,
    listening to the proclamation of truth…and
    listening to and obeying that still small voice of the Holy Spirit,
    they can distract us from God’s best for our lives.
    This is one reason that I was so happy when you made going to Church
    a priority over working on Sundays, this year.

    Remember also that spiritual forces can interject thoughts into your mind…whether:
    –From the side of Light/God or
    –From the side of darkness/the enemy
    They may even appear to be our own thoughts.
    We need discernment from God to determine the source of a thought.
    —Is it our own idea,
    —Is it God’s leading or
    —Is it the enemy trying to get our attention???
    God will grant us wisdom to differentiate the sources.
    However, any thought that is not in line with Scripture is not from God.

    I hope you have a great week, Beckah…
    As you walk with the Lord and share our great Hope in Him with the people of Nicaragua!