
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

         No excuses? What does this mean? I googled excuse and this is the definition “To serve as justification for…” No excuses means to not make up a justification to get out of doing something. Today I was doing my devotion/prayer time and I just felt this phrase “NO EXCUSES,” placed on my heart. So many times in my life I make up an excuse, so that I don’t have to do something. It usually is something that will make me uncomfortable. It could be something like “ well… I would go to my youth group if it was on Wednesdays instead of Sundays.” Or I would be sitting in church and the leader says come up if you feel like God is leading you to do so. I would think to myself “Well I’m okay, I don’t need to do that.” All of those examples are of me making excuses for myself to not have to step out of my comfort zone and be uncomfortable. I sat in chapel at my school today… not expecting to get anything new out of it. It was a special Easter chapel. A youth leader talked about communion and why we do it, to remember what Christ has done for us. He ended with saying anyone can take communion if they want. I sat there for a few minutes, warring against my thoughts. I thought, I don’t need to go up because I’m not feeling called. But then I heard “no excuses Beckah” deep in my heart. I knew that I had to go up, so I did. Through that time I just gave up my excuses to God. This is not the time to hold back. I won’t let my fears, excuses, and selfishness get in the way of the plan God has for my life.

One response to “No Excuses”

  1. Yes, Beckah!!! Exuses can side track a person from God’s perfect plan for their life. What a great motto to have: “NO EXCUSES.” God loves to have our complete trust and our prompt obedience. It is the pathway to the most abundant life possible.

    As the old hymn so well stated this principle:”
    Trust and obey…
    for there’s no other way…
    to be happy in Jesus,
    but to trust and obey.”

    Proverbs 3:5-6 says:
    “TRUST in the Lord with all of your heart and
    lean not on your own understanding.
    In all of your ways, ACKNOWLEDGE Him and
    He shall direct your paths.”

    I appreciate that you are open and listening to the “still small voice” of God…in your mind and heart. God communicates to us in various ways. Sometimes He challenges us through the words of a friend…or through a lesson/sermon at Church. Sometimes He speaks to us through the pages of Scripture or a good book…where something will seem like it’s in BOLD…and the words take on some special significance. Sometimes the words of Christian music lyrics bring encouragement, support or direction…just when it is most needed. Then there are times when a new, unique thought comes into our mind…one that seems like it just “popped into our mind”…from somewhere! God can sspeak to us and give us direction like that. Beware though…that the enemy can try to mislead you by giving you thoughts too…thoughts of doubt, discouragement, fear, etc. Generally, these things are of a negative/sinful nature, considering the source. Thoughts from God, are always good, Godly, Scriptural and beneficial.

    When you get in places that are “out of your comfort zone,” remember that God IS WITH YOU and GOD IS FOR YOU.

    I Corinthians 1:8-9 says: “HE WILL KEEP YOU STRONG TO THE END, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. GOD, Who has called you into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, IS FAITHFUL.

    Keep adding to this blog, Beckah…as God faithfully leads and guides you on this journey. The Lord has definitely given you a gift in the area of expressing yourself in writing. You are in our prayers.

    Happy Easter!
    Unfortunately there are people around the world
    who don’t know about Jesus…or the Easter message yet.
    May you carry the good news of the Gospel to some of them!