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This past week from November 18th-24th my team was able to spend about 7 days in the Latina Hostel in León, Nicaragua. I'm going to share with you a little about my week. My team and I stayed in the same room, it had 3 bunk beds. It was an experience living with 3 boys in the room with us 3 girls. Our hostel would lose water almost everyday at some point, either we would wake up to no water or go to bed with no water. Also our hostel had said that they would provide a Nicaraguan style breakfast for us, the first morning there we found out that they did not provide breakfast. Amidst the disappointment of not having certain things that I thought we should have the time was really good.  I learned how much of a privilege it is to have running water, how much of a privilege it is to have breakfast provided for you. Our hostel was great because it was very peaceful… we didn't have a bunch of people staying at our hostel all the time.The time that we spent only as a team at the hostel was really good though, we were able to really dig deeper as a team and grow closer.


The ministry in León was much different from Vision Nicaragua. I enjoyed it but I missed Bethel a lot. We did a lot of praying for people and a lot of walking where we felt lead to go. The first day we went out for ministry we ended up just walking around on the outskirts of León. We ran into some drunk men and they asked us to join them in a soccer match with some other teens as well. Nick, Nash, Kory and Sam ended up playing soccer while I sat back and watched. I started talking to this woman about different things and I found out that she was a christian. She kept talking about the Holy Spirit and how she felt this amazing feeling when she would sing to God. It was so precious to see someone so on fire for Christ here. We actually went back to the same place the next day and the drunk men weren't there just the teenage boys. It was a great ministry opportunity for the boys in our group because they were able to talk and get deeper with the teens. 


In the afternoons we would walk around the center of León and walk up to people that we felt we should talk to and pray for them. It was really out of my comfort zone to go up to a random person and talk to them and then ask them if I could pray for them. But it was so good. I don't know if what I was saying made any sense but I can only pray that what God told me to say made and impact on the people's lives. 


I learned that tattoos are such a great way to share a story especially if it has something to do with how God worked in your life. Some of you know that I have a tattoo of Jeremiah 29:11 on my left wrist and you won't believe how many people ask me what it means. I then tell them how it is in the Bible and a verse that means a lot in my life. Then they almost always ask are you a christian? And that sparks good conversation. God has really been using it as an ice breaker and I love it!


This past week God has really been teaching how to humble myself. Get over myself and put others before me. I've learned a lot about getting out of my comfort zone and doing things such as praying for random people even if I don't feel like doing it. I feel that the Lord has really been teaching me that this is ministry that I can do anywhere. I can do this back in the States. It doesn't have to be just here in Nicaragua. And I really encourage you guys back home. Go build relationships in your community. Go pray for people that you don't really know, just go spread God's love. Spend time with the homeless. People look at you like you are crazy but it means so much to the immediate person you are talking to. And even if they don't receive it well you never know what type of impact it will make in their future. 


On a side note the fun things I got to do in León were…

I ate at a Nicaragua chinese food restaurant

I watched Taken 2 at the movie theater and ate popcorn (it made me feel like I was back home) 

I ate the best street food ever (enchiladas are the bomb)

I got to hike Cerro Negro and went volcano boarding down it. (I got the fastest time at 52 kph)

I drank some of the best frappes ever

I ate a burger the size of my face… well actually bigger but yeah close enough

I got to talk to english speaking people!!!

I washed my clothing in an actual washing machine!

(basically I just ate a lot of good food all the time…)


On the down side…

I ate this pinkish jello consistency milky square thing that tasted so gross (It was given to me by a woman I met)

I almost got run over by a car while crossing the street (in Nicaragua the cars don't yield to people)

I saw a scary movie that wasn't scary (what a let down)

My legs got scraped up from volcano boarding

I ordered the smoothie of the day and received juice (it left me quite confused

I learned that not all pastries taste as good as they look (looks can be deceiving)


What I learned this week… 

You don't need an agenda God can make the plans for you

Time doesn't matter… (sometimes we get so wrapped up in time that we forget our purpose

12 people did not die going volcano boarding (our tour guide was just trying to freak us out)

People are more than accepting of your prayers

There are always ministry opportunities even when you feel you are "off duty"


Thanks everyone for your support I am enjoying myself and learning a lot here in Nicaragua. I wouldn't be here without your help… so thanks a lot! Keep reading my blogs, its really encouraging to hear for you guys when you post comments on my blog. I enjoy hearing what is going on back home and such. Love you all! 


"For God did not give us a Spirit of timidity, but a Spirit of POWER, of LOVE, and of SELF DISCIPLINE." (2 Timothy 1:7)



God Bless


3 responses to “7 days in a hostel in Leon what more could I ask for; Possibly a complimentary breakfast?”

  1. Hey girl!! So Jonathan and i are having this discussion about Volcano surfing and we decided you are the coolest girl ever for doing it. I hope there were pictures taken! Love reading about your trip and we do pray for you.

  2. We always love reading your blog postings, Beckah.
    Some of your experiences bring back memories of our mission trips.

    I had to learn to adjust and flex overseas, because it’s a necessity.
    –Plans don’t always go the way that you might want them to go.
    –The things that you are counting on…may not be there.
    –Sometimes your comfort zone gets stretched.
    It sounds like you and your team are doing well handling those kinds of situations…with God’s help.

    I especially appreciated you comments about the importance of relationships.
    The Lord said that the 2 greatest commandments are to love God and to love other people. Matt.22:36–40
    Obviously, “loving” involves having relationships with God and with others.
    Relationships are more important than money or possessions.
    We can take other people with us to Heaven…but all of our material things will stay behind here, at the end of our lives.

    I also liked the “things learned this week.”
    –God has a plan for your life…a good one.
    –Time/schedules are not really the most importnat things in this world…even though many Americans live by their daytimers.
    –Ministry opportunities abound. Seize the opportunities that God leads you to each day.

  3. Hi Beckah,
    Josh left his FB page up and I saw this pic of you and an adorable little boy. So, I clicked and it led me to your blog. I really enjoyed reading about your experiences. You write well and it’s all so interesting. I love your honesty here where you wrote about the down side. It made me laugh. It sounds like God is really using you and showing up for you in such a real way. This brought back memories from my ministry years in my early 20s. It’s so awesome to be out there reaching out to people and seeing God move like this. I pray He will continue to open many doors for you to be a blessing in the lives of others during this amazing journey you’re on.

    Sheila Joyce